Friday, 9 October 2015

Monthly raffle, new sets, and incoming/outgoing mail

Okay, I guess I have a bunch of stuff to talk about in this post.  First off, the monthly raffle.

Each month, I'm going to hold a raffle, with the prize being one full set of A5 sized stationery, any design the winner wants, and in any combination of sheets/envelopes, and on any paper they want.  The name of the winner will be chosen from the list of all customers in a given month.  So, to be entered, all you need to do is buy a set of stationery, and your name will automatically get thrown into the digital hat.

Changing how many sets you buy in one order doesn't increase your chances.  If Suzy buys three sets in one order, she doesn't get her name into the raffle more times than Joe, who only buys one set.  However, if Joe buys one set on October 9th, and another set on October 15th (ie. two separate, complete orders), then Joe will have his name entered twice.  Please note that if you purchase only a 50% off set in your order, your name WILL NOT be entered into the raffle.  However, if you buy a full price set as well as a 50% off order, then it will be entered.  If you've already purchased this month, fear not - your name will be included in this month's raffle.

I'm still a small shop - I only had 11 orders last month - so your odds of winning are pretty good!  I'll keep up the raffle for October through to December, and then poll people and see if they like it and they want me to continue.

Also, I've got some new sets listed.  Check out my shop for full details, but here are some pictures!


In final news, I've decided to post my incoming and outgoing mail on this blog.  I've seen *a lot* of blogs related to snail mail and stationery do this, so I don't think it will be stepping on anyone's toes to join in.  Besides, some of my pen pals send me seriously great envelope art.  :)  Me, not so much.  I was just super proud of finally being able to print onto an envelope.

Check out what came to me in the mail though.  It's 10000x prettier.  

Well, that's it for today!

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