Thursday, 28 January 2016

New bulk order etsy listing

At the request of a pen pal, I've decided to list a bulk order option - 40 sheets of A5 sized Tomoe River paper for $15, which is a bit more than 30% off the regular price.  You can get up to 4 designs, or you can order fewer designs with more sheets of each design.  check out the listing here!

Tomoe River Bulk Order

I've also made another Jane Austen sheet, which I kind of love.  It's a quote from Northanger Abbey, and I think the look on Jane Austen's face at the bottom is priceless.  :D  I haven't listed this set yet, but I will soon.

Here are a few cute sets I haven't got around to listing yet either.

If you want any of these sets before I get around to listing them, let me know and we can work something out.  :)

I'm off to package up some orders and design some cute pin-up girl stationery.  Happy letter writing, guys!

1 comment:

  1. Could you let me know where? I've only found it for $11 (paper for fountain pens), $15 USD (JetPens), $18 (amazon), and $25 CAD (Wonderpens in Toronto), and all the shipping on 100 sheets is very expensive due to the weight. Admittedly that is for 100 A4 sheets, but they are blank and do not have any designs on them.

    If you're meaning to imply that you think my pricing is too expensive, I completely understand. Given the cost to me to bring the paper into Canada (especially given the crappy exchange rate right now), getting it cut, the cost of the artwork and the digital rights to use it (also mostly in USD), you might be surprised how little profit I make per set. And that doesn't even include my time, of which I expend a lot on KWS stuff. I also did some comparative checking online, and a lot of places are offering about the same price for the same number of designed sheets of non-fp friendly paper, or for an even higher cost.

    At any rate, I complete understand if you don't feel inclined to shop at my store due to pricing. I wish I could make it less expensive, but for right now anyway the prices will have to stay where they are. My apologies! :)
