Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Raffle, Mail Call, and a few new designs

February has come and gone, and so it's time for the monthly raffle!  The winner this month is Neri.  Congrats, Neri!  I've already sent her a message on etsy asking her what free set she'd like.  :)

Mail call!  I've been really terrible lately at spicing up my outgoing envelopes, so I have nothing to show in that regard.  But I've gotten in a bunch of very pretty envelopes in, so here goes!

Here's a gorgeous envelope from my pen pal in the UK.

Next up, a pen pal from Louisiana sent me this cute owl card with matching envelope.  Even the stamps are nice!  I wish I could show you her return address, because the stamp layout is really nice.

Then I got this amazingly handmade envelope and card.  Actually, I got it a loooooooong time ago from a customer who sent me some papers to try out.  Along with the papers was this card.  So pretty!  I unfortunately lost the whole package in my office until "spring" cleaning last month, when I unearthed a lot of exciting stuff, this letter and the test papers included.  :)  I love that the paper is different on each side, but the best part is the embossing on the blue area of the handmade card.

I bought some washi tape (I have a problem - I buy a ton and then always forget to use them!  Yeesh.) and got this package with these cute stamps and nice band of washi tape along the bottom.

Lastly, I got this great postcard from my best friend when she went to Ottawa's Canadian Museum of Nature.  

Here are some new designs I'm working on.  I've got a lot more in the pipes, but I haven't had enough time to get them quite right yet.

This last one I made just for me.  I am not sure anyone else would want it, so I doubt I'll list it.  Still, I am very much loving using it.  :)

That's it for today.  Tomorrow I'll be putting up a blog post titled "What I Spend All Your Money On".  Curious?  Check back tomorrow!

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