So, who wants a Luna update? Last week I was dutifully putting tons of drops in her eyes, 4 - 6 times a day. She's also on painkillers to stop her from trying to scratch it, and steroids to reduce her overall allergic reaction, and again avoid her scratching it. I took her for a check up on Monday, which was a stat holiday from my work. The vet was concerned with the newer scratch on her cornea, and spontaneously suggested he'd like to take a closer look. That meant more sedation, which of course meant another $700 bill.
The alarm must have been clear on my face, because my amazing vet put a hand on my arm and said, "Don't worry, it's no charge." I actually still cannot believe he did that. He kept her the whole day and I picked her up at 6:30 pm. In the waiting room before he brought her out, he told me that he'd removed the old bulky stitches, and put in two much smaller ones, in the hopes that it would help irritate her eye area less. He gave me another bottle of the antibiotic drops, and a gel that is meant to lubricate the eye. I offered to pay for the new meds, and he graciously wouldn't let me. Can you believe that?! He essentially did 3/4 of the same procedure that had cost me $1100+ and didn't charge me for it. I was so grateful.
When he brought Luna in to me, she was a wild eyed, panting, panicked mess. He told me that due to the sedation, he she hadn't eaten all day.
Since I haven't yet shared the story of how I got Luna, most of you don't know that Luna came from kind of a bad situation. One that involved semi-starving. The above is a picture taken about a week after we got her. I took her to the vet that week and he was appalled at how skinny she was for her frame. You could see every one of her ribs.
Understandably, a lack of nourishment during her puppy months has left her with some serious food security related anxiety. If you don't feed her frequently throughout the day, whether she is hungry or not, she get extremely panicked. I knew I'd never be able to take her home in the car with her cone if she didn't calm down; she would make driving impossible. I asked the vet if he had some dog food we could give her, and he opened up a can and fed it to her from his hand. After eating an entire can in about 30 seconds, she visibly calmed down and we went home.
She is better now. I've spent all week putting drops in her eyes incessantly, and although she hates it, it seems to be working. We've got a check up tomorrow morning for him to do some more eye stains (another $75) to see how the corneal scratch is healing. The steroids she's on seem to be controlling the allergic reaction for now. Eventually she'll become immune to them I think, but I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I've been working away on prepping a dot grid template for TR paper, and also on finishing my Women At Work set. I finished one more page that I liked ...
... but all the work I did on a the top border for a second page, I completely hated. I'll scrap it and start again next week. I'll probably come up with something similar, but it's not quite where I want it yet.
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